Monday, April 6, 2015

easter weekend 2015

What a fun weekend! I think it's because I gave myself a break from calligraphy orders and just enjoyed the time with my family. It was so needed!

Thursday night we finally got to eat El Porton with Tyler, Amanda and sweet Madison. Crew was being a total sweetheart and was actually paying attention to her. (He usually gives babies the cold shoulder or is just too busy to notice them!)

On Friday Collierville was having a kids' Easter event and I mainly just wanted to go so Crew could see the trains they have. He LOVES trains, but apparently he likes them from a distance right now. He was not a fan of standing on it by himself. Maybe it was the metal grate he was standing on that made him so unsure. He "choo choo"ed all day (and even did it in his sleep that night!) Thankfully my mom went with me and was the Crew-chaser. I'm getting slower and slower with this big belly!

A real train went by and he was just in heaven!

That night we tried to go see the Easter bunny at Bass Pro, but the line was to the back of the store and that was just not happening. We watched the fish instead and I'm sure that Crew liked that better than he would have with that creepy-looking bunny! Ha!

He's officially mastered the "what do the fish do?" face

Crew got his hair cut also on Friday and now looks like a 3 year old. Where did my baby go?!

He was exceptionally clingy at our Cracker Barrel that night. We got home and realized the poor baby had a random fever :( He slept it off though and was ready to go the next morning!

Wild man taking over our bed on Saturday morning!

Easter egg hunt - it was chilly and wet! But I think Crew still had fun!

Saturday evening we went back to Collierville to see the trains again so Will could go too. Crew dreamed about those trains so we had to go back because it was a beautiful day. We ate dinner at Dyer's at it was delicious. Yay for greasy food.

Sunday morning we went to our church (Island Community Church in downtown Memphis) and then over to my parents' for lunch. Crew was A D O R A B L E in his outfit. My brother's puppy was about the only way to make him look happy in these pics because it was past nap time. Crew loves dog kisses...with a mouth wide open!

No, we didn't plan to match! Will got his shirt about a month ago and on Friday I was searching Target for a dress. They were really slacking in their maternity section right now so I just had to get this blue dress and throw a cardigan over it! We noticed Saturday night that we'd be "that couple" who matches on Easter! Oh well!

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter celebrating our risen Savior!

And just for fun, check out Easter 2014, and 2013! Wow, time flies!


  1. I think your matching outfits are adorable! Glad you had a relaxing weekend with family :)

  2. I think your matching outfits are adorable! Glad you had a relaxing weekend with family :)

  3. We were also the couple that matched on Easter. The hubby was sure to point out that he got dressed first, haha. And Crew looks just like you in that picture in bed!


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