Wednesday, April 17, 2013

15 weeks

How far along are you?
15 weeks - Baby K's legs are now longer than his/her arms, he/she can sense light now and is continuing to wiggle all around...though I haven't been able to feel it yet. (I don't think!)

How big is Baby?
Baby K is the size of a navel orange!

Weight Gain? 
3 lbs. total since the beginning

We find out in 10 days!
Daddy thinks boy and now I'm beginning to think boy with all of the baby's lower heart rates (140, 149, 144). We will soon know!

Maternity Clothes?
Still haven't bought any maternity clothes besides the items my Mom has bought. I'm loving the warmer weather so I can break out some sundresses!

Stretch Marks?
Not yet!

I'm still sleeping pretty good. Just getting up once at night and going right back to sleep most of the time. I don't like staying up late! (I used to be a night owl pre-pregnancy...never again!)

My face started breaking out again this week unfortunately
Headaches (Doc said these should go away by 18 weeks) - This has been the worst symptom so far and I can handle it. Much better than throwing up!
I got nauseous Sunday night at dinner and Monday during lunch and dinner. No clue as to the reason, but it didn't last long!
I cry all the time! The most recent time being the other night when we ate Taco Bell for a late dinner. I didn't want my last taco and tried to give it to Will. He said that he didn't want it, but I kept saying, "Just eat it." He finally said, "Courtney, I don't want the taco." And cue the tears. As soon as Will saw that I was about to cry he just started saying, "No no no no no, I'll eat the taco! I'll eat the taco!" Hilarious. We always laugh about me crying about ten minutes later because it's always funny. I don't know why I cried because Will didn't want the measly taco!

Can't feel it yet...hopefully not much longer!
Food Cravings/Aversions?
Still haven't craved anything really. There are just things that sound good. This past weekend it was ice cream.

Labor Signs?

Belly Button in or out?
In - I feel like it will be out by the time the pregnancy is over. It starts looking like it's going to push out after I eat dinner!

What I miss?
Nothing really. I'm loving being pregnant!

What I am looking forward to?
Finding out the gender on the 27th
Announcing the baby's name at the gender reveal party (We are 100% on a girl's name, still need to decide on the boy's name.)
Getting my hair done this weekend! That's right, by my 16 week picture, I'll be back to my natural blonde hair color! (Yes, Will, I am a natural blonde. My hair just decided to get a little darker over the past few years!)

Best moment of the week?
I love that my belly is finally growing! Some friends at our small group on Sunday night said, "Courtney! You're finally showing!" It was more noticeable that night than usual because I had a tighter shirt on.

Daddy's feeling?
He's excited! He said that each time he hears the heartbeat, the fact that we are having a baby becomes more and more real.We can't wait!

14 weeks
13 weeks
12 weeks
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  1. Lookin' good! Oh the emotions!! I know all about that!! SO excited for you to find out!! :) You are showing more for sure!!

  2. So happy for you and Will! I am exactly a month behind you so I love reading up on things to expect! :)

    Our bpms have been faster, 162,163 & 173 this last time. I'll be anxious to hear if you'll be having a little boy based on the bpms you've gotten so far.

    So exciting!! Congrats again!!


  3. You're so cute! We just found out that we're having another girl, so I bet you're super excited too. Don't worry about not feeling the baby yet, with my first I don't think I felt anything until 18 weeks or later. And I'm thinking boy for you too! With both my girls they HB was 150+. Glad you feel well.

  4. Eek just had my 15 week appointment today!! :)

  5. That is funny about the taco! Lol
    You look great!!

  6. You should pick Ignacio as a boy's name. I remember from Spanish class in middle school that Taco (and Nacho) was a nickname for it.

  7. Hahahaha, love the taco story! You should keep that one in a baby book, haha. So funny.

  8. I'm sure they're not funny at the time, but your crying stories crack me up! I love reading about your pregnancy!

  9. You have the cutest little bump!

  10. You look adorable! Can't wait to find out the gender and the name :D

  11. So exciting to find out the gender! Can't wait to hear the name you pick out! :)

  12. oh hormones - i've cried over some silly things for sure! you look so cute!


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