Monday, April 22, 2013

Weekend Recap - Grillin' Out

This weekend's weather was beautiful. Sunny and 70's, that's how I like it. Now I just need to get a little sun on this pale skin of mine!

After dinner Friday night we made some cookies and Remi really wanted some. He was a good boy though and just looked at them.

Remi and Ginger made a Redbox run with us on Saturday. They love car rides!

Will bought a new charcoal grill this past week and thanks to Amazon's free two-day shipping, we got to enjoy it this weekend! Burgers on Saturday night and hot dogs on Sunday afternoon. We also made corn, fried squash and I tried fried dill pickle spears. I had never made those, only the pickle chips. I liked them, they were "too pickly" for Will.

We enjoyed sitting in the sun while the dogs played!

Will did a little wood-working. He made these to help our cardinal vines grow by our front porch. So creative!

Yesterday's Instagram (@courtkassner)

After all of this, I ended up taking a 2-3 hour nap before couples group last night. I ended up really regretting it because I couldn't go to sleep at bed time! I think it was a combo of the nap and not being able to stop thinking about our ultrasound this week and finding out our baby's gender!

Everyone keeps asking if we want a boy or girl. I would be so happy with either one. Boys are so sweet (& could be a Momma's boy!) and I think a girl would have Will wrapped around her finger from the minute she's born. We have no preference over one or the other. We just feel so blessed that God has chosen us to be parents and are going to be over-the-moon when we find out the gender...whether boy OR girl! 5 more days!

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  1. Sounds like a great weekend! Jealous of your weather!! It was cold and snowy here!! Love Remi looking at those cookies!!

  2. 5 days! OMG so jealous! How exciting! You look amazing! Look at that bump! ek! I NEED your weather!!

  3. that ENTIRE meal looks delish! oh and you have such a cute bump!


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