Tuesday, April 23, 2013

16 weeks

Can you tell I had just woken up from my Sunday nap?! I can!

How far along are you?
16 weeks...moving right along!

How big is Baby?
Baby K is the size of an avocado. He/she can hear us because of ear developments. Baby is also growing eyelashes, eyebrows, hair and taste buds!

Weight Gain?
+3 lbs. at 14 week appointment - Will be weighed again this week


Maternity Clothes?
Bought a few maternity shirts this weekend from Ross - Tried on my first pair of maternity jeans also...they are so weird! I haven't bought any yet though.

Stretch Marks?
Not yet

I feel like I'm waking up more and more throughout the night, whether it's to go to the bathroom (which has gone up to 2x per night) or just to try and get comfortable. Sleep was terrible Sunday night because of the nap I took that afternoon. Also could not stop thinking up this week's ultrasound and finding out the gender!

Face cleared up again this week. Woo! My back has been hurting a lot, especially after our nightly walks. My chiropractic appointment this week should take care of that!
At church Sunday morning, I got really lightheaded and short of breath to where I had to sit down. Don't know what that's all about!
My bladder has really been hurting this week! (just when standing) I guess the baby is pushing on it already? I just didn't expect to feel this much pressure so soon.

Not yet. I lie in bed every night anticipating to feel something. Hopefully in the next few weeks, I'll feel him/her!

Food Cravings/Aversions?
How do you know if you're actually craving something? Ice cream has still sounded good to me lately...especially from Chick-fil-A!

Labor Signs?

Belly Button in or out?

What I miss?
Being able to sleep through the night

What I am looking forward to?
We have our 16 week appointment on Thursday and are finding out the gender at our party on Saturday! I CAN'T WAIT!
So excited to finally be able to start planning the nursery, clothes and registering!

Best moment of the week?
Amanda came over last night to help craft up some decorations for the party this weekend. We got so much done that I probably wouldn't have tried to do until Friday night!
Just looking forward to this weekend's festivities!

15 weeks
14 weeks
13 weeks
12 weeks
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  1. So exciting to find out the gender! I can't wait to hear what you'll be having!

  2. I'm so excited for you!!! Ek!! You look great. I can't wait to feel movement too! I love maternity jeans, if you can find some that fit good they are super comfy!!

  3. Can't wait to see what you are having! As for the light-headedness, that is normal. It happened to me {at church, too!} when I was pregnant with my first daughter and I think it was from standing up and singing...and not having drank much water that morning. Oh, and I've found that just buying bigger sized shirts are cheaper and look cuter than maternity ones :)

  4. i got a pair of skinny maternity jeans at ross for $11 and love them! i don't know why i waited so long to wear them - they are so comfy!

  5. I can't wait to hear what you're having. A gender reveal party will be so fun!

  6. Ahhh! You will know so soon if you are having a boy or girl! I'm so excited for you! What a fun weekend this will be!

  7. Hi - I am a random blog reader. Just found your blog because I love reading other people's pregnancy updates that are due around the same time as me (I am 15 weeks). You look great! And getting light headed is pretty normal in pregnancy. I definitely get lightheaded often - and also had to sit down at church the other week walking from main service to class. Excited for you to find out the gender!


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