Monday, May 20, 2013

Weekend Recap - bundt cake belly

We had such a relaxing weekend. I always love when we can just stay home and check things off our to-do list. A majority of Saturday was spent cleaning up after our washing machine decided to flood some of the house last Thursday. Thankfully, it was a minor fix and we're back in business. I had to wash every towel in our house after we used them to soak up all the water. Glad that's over with.

Before our Friday night walk with the dogs - I'm going to need to raid Will's t-shirt drawer pretty soon.

Since my belly is starting to look like a bundt cake these days, I figured why not make one! Sad to say this pound cake is gone already...

Will and Colin went fishing on Saturday morning. It was such a beautiful day!

While they were gone, I gave Ginger a much-needed Summer cut! I know she feels better without all that extra fur!

After Will got home Saturday, he told me he "just wanted to sit in the hammock" for a few minutes. I go inside and come back 5 minutes later and find him like this. Guess he was tired!

After church Sunday we spent the afternoon outside with the dogs again. I tried to get some sun on my pale winter skin, but didn't last long because it was so hot. The shade felt great though!

I can't believe Remi didn't make this post! Guess he was too busy running around all weekend that I didn't get a picture of him. I had such a great weekend just relaxing with my little family and dreaming of the days that we get to spend with Baby K! We're halfway there!
20 down, 20 to go!

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  1. Is that a necklace I spot on Ginger? OMG how beautiful!!! Haha I'm happy I don't have female fur siblings or else I'd have never grown out of playing w/dolls :P. (But God better give me daughters haha!)

    Our weekend was crazy relaxing too; I'm happy you got to enjoy yours like that :).

    PS- If you'd like me to adjust my button's size, I'd be more than happy to! I just noticed it's huge, relative to the other ones, so feel free to suggest new dimensions. XO!

  2. Bahaha your belly does not look like a bundt cake! But that did make me laugh!

  3. You have a cute basketball belly...and you look great! I want that kind of belly. Mine's like a watermelon and is just spreading out to all parts of my body lol.

  4. Your bump is so cute! I want a hammock bad!

  5. You're such a cute lil pregnant lady! :)

  6. what a perfect little belly! you are so cute!

  7. Love that you guys have a hammock! So perfect for summer! :)


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