Tuesday, May 21, 2013

20 weeks

How far along are you?
20 weeks - I cannot believe I'm already halfway through the pregnancy! Maybe more than half if he decides to come early (or less than half if he's late, but I'm not thinking about that!)

How big is Baby?
He's as long as a banana - He weighs 10.5 ounces and is 10 inches from head to heel. (He'll now be measured from head to heel instead of head to bottom) - His taste buds are developed and he can now taste things that I'm eating via amniotic fluid. Studies show that after birth, babies respond best to tastes they've already had while in the womb. When I read this to Will he said, "Great. He's going to be a picky eater." I'm going to do my best to be sure he's not picky like his momma!

Weight Gain?
I only check my weight at doctor's appointments. As of 16 week appointment, I was up 3 lbs. total since the beginning. I go back to the doctor tomorrow and I'm positive I've gained more weight. Every Sunday on the drive home from church I read my weekly email from thebump.com out loud to Will. This week's email said, "the weight gain has just barely begun." How encouraging, right? Ha!

It's a boy!

Maternity Clothes?
Yes - I have several shirts and capris/pants/shorts that I've been wearing. Still loving any kind of comfy dress. 

Stretch Marks?

It's been so much better. I only had one day last week that I didn't sleep good and that was probably because of things that my mind wouldn't stop worrying about. Such an improvement over 7 nights of bad sleep a week that I had been getting. I definitely recommend a body pillow!

back pain, back pain & back pain...so glad my chiropractic appointment is tomorrow too. I can tell I'm carrying much more weight in my belly than usual because of the lower back pain. - my face still breaks out unfortunately - Thirst! I'm so thirsty all the time...especially right before bed which doesn't help to lower my bathroom trips each night.

YES - He moves so much and, like I mentioned last week, the kicks are getting stronger. I can see little thumps on my belly when I'm laying down. He also finally let Will and I feel his soccer kicks this past weekend.

Food Cravings/Aversions?
Not craving anything this week so far. I think the grape juice craving is gone...for now.

Labor Signs?

Belly Button in or out?

What I miss?
I don't know if this really counts as "missing" it because I never did this pre-pregnancy, but I want to sleep on my back! I've never been a back sleeper, but it feels so comfortable now...I'm trying hard to make myself stay on one side or the other. Sometimes I wake up on my back though. 

What I am looking forward to?
Still excited to start on the nursery - 20 week appointment tomorrow and I can hopefully hear his heartbeat again

Best moment of the week?
Will graduates with his Masters from seminary this week! I am so proud of him! - My brother-in-law and sis-in-law are coming in town and I'm looking forward to seeing them. - My middle brother, Cody, turns 21 this week! How is he so old?!

After such a hot weekend, I'm wondering how I'm ever going to survive a Summer pregnancy in Memphis. Boy, oh boy.

Also, maybe I'm the only one who thinks about this, but I always wondered who would be the first random person to ask if I'm pregnant and when they would ask. Well, last week I had someone come up to me and say, "So are you expecting?" Guess the baby bump is officially noticeable.

Daddy’s feeling?
"Feeling excited! I watched Bambi to get ready for all the Disney movies we'll be watching soon!"

In case  you missed it:
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  1. You have totally popped! LOVE it. Half way - isn't it crazy!! I want to sleep on my back too and I was never one to sleep on my back. That's awesome Will can feel him now!!

  2. Get Crew started on Mexican food early!

  3. The halfway point seems like such a fast milestone! You look great! I'm with you on the summer thing.. the past couple of days in Boston have me thinking of how I will survive the heat!

  4. You look wonderful! I can'tb elieve you're already 20 weeks!

  5. yeah for half way!! you are looking great! and it took me awhile to get used to the body pillow since i normally sleep on my stomach but now I love it!

  6. Halfway through already! So exciting!! :)

  7. Looking good, Momma! So last time around, I had friends give birth the day before and the day after I did. We were all the hospital together even though our due dates weren't that close. Maybe you are more than half way :)


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